Stuart Widdowson of Odyssean Capital on Engaged Special Situations Investing

When:  Feb 26, 2024 from 18:30 to 20:30 (BST)

Please join us for a talk from Stuart Widdowson on Engaged Special Situations Investing.

Stuart is the Managing Partner of Odyssean Capital, which he founded in 2017. He has spent the last 18 years investing in public and private UK small and mid-size corporates and a further two years providing investment advice in the same field.

You can read more about Stuart and Odyssean here.

The event will start at 6:30pm with Stuart speaking and taking questions from 7pm. There will be an opportunity for networking afterwards with no set end time.

Hope you can make it.

The VISIG Co-Chairs


The Argyle
1 Greville Street
London, EC1N 8PQ
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Click on the RSVP button to register for your place,

You will receive email confirmation and calendar invitation. 


Oliver Sherman
07812 191 796
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