Fixed Income Special Interest Group

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  • 1.  Heads-up! 3 Upcoming Events

    Posted 14-04-2022 17:40
    Edited by Nona Alexander 28-04-2022 15:44

    Hey everyone and Happy Easter! A quick reminder and 2 save-the-dates for you as we go into the long weekend: 

    Reminder: Tuesday's event Avoiding pitfalls in high risk credit as shared previously by my co-lead Sotiris (details on discussion thread / registration link here

    Save-the-date 1: We are excited to virtually host Alfonso Peccatiello on Wed 4 May at 1pm London time for our next event The Macro Compass: Which Way from Here? 

    Save-the-date 2
    : We are super pleased Alberto Gallo will be joining us virtually on Wed 8 June at 1pm London time for our event Reinventing Bond Investing 

    Full details and RSVP links for the May events will be shared in the next little while, but for now, please mark your calendars! 

    Have a brilliant long weekend. 

    Nona Alexander

  • 2.  RE: Heads-up! 3 Upcoming Events

    Posted 28-04-2022 15:47
    All, please note our Reinventing Bond Investing event with Alberto Gallo is now planned for Wed 8 June at 1pm - not in May as previously communicated. Looking forward to sharing further details in the coming days.

    Nona Alexander

  • 3.  RE: Heads-up! 3 Upcoming Events

    Posted 04-05-2022 10:35
    Hi all,

    Looking forward to having you joining us today at 1pm for the 'The Macro Compass: Which Way from Here? ​​'​ webinar.

    Zoom details should have been emailed to you but for ease, see also below:

    Join Webinar

    If the button above does not work, paste this into your browser:

    Many thanks,

    Sotirios Mertzios