Excellent LinkedIn post and link to a blog and conversation with Tom Gosling on the issues and challenges for asset managers around fiduciary duty and climate risk management in absence of client specific mandates for a net zero 1.5 degree world and climate risk management and TCFD obligations:
https://www.linkedin.com/posts/christopher-caldwell-a8a196_fiduciaryduty-esg-climatechange-activity-7075465807991861248-_sSi?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktopThe issues and debate on views around fiduciary duty of asset managers depending on asset owner/client base and their mandates are varied and complex.
Question - clarification and debate around the fiduciary duties of investment and asset managers will no doubt continue as it relates to climate risk management and sustainability in general. Do any members have any thoughts or insights in serving clients interests or perhaps come across recent developments and other publications that might be useful in this area?
James Doyle
Director, Green Finance, Investment Management