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  • 1.  How can we make Net Zero a reality? + Link to Online stream of 15th Anniversary Grantham Institute Lecture at LSE

    Posted 20-10-2023 18:07

    Seeing the upcoming Grantham Institute Event advertised I thought as its a friday evening we might try to get a discussion going around it.  I have signed up and happy to discuss ideas here and post the event with others interested in how the whole project of Net Zero might actually become a reality.  Also let me know who else signs up for it.

    Clearly there is a lot we still need to do, Individually, as organisations and as societies and governments and is the current roadmap coming out of COP meetings and collaborative efforts enough?

    What would be your top game changing suggestions?

    Ideas please ( you can be radical and wild ) and of course follow on constructive discussion/criticism welcome.

    How about a universal globally mandated carbon tax payed into a UN managed Fund with equal per capita weighted drawing rights to fund de-carbonisation, transition, adaptation and just transition?  How would the fund be governed and misuse of funds prevented?

    I have put a link below to the registration page for this event.  The In Person event is sold out but the event is being live streamed  so you can click through to register for that and I expect the recording will be available somewhere after the event.

    David Manuel

  • 2.  RE: How can we make Net Zero a reality? + Link to Online stream of 15th Anniversary Grantham Institute Lecture at LSE

    Posted 23-10-2023 11:49
    Normally I admire Aswath Damodaran.  Hence I was dismayed by his damning editorial of ESG which just appeared in the FT - hopefully this sets the stage for improvement.

  • 3.  RE: How can we make Net Zero a reality? + Link to Online stream of 15th Anniversary Grantham Institute Lecture at LSE

    Posted 24-10-2023 09:55

    Absolutely agree with Edward.  The editorial commentary is damning, but also not revisionary.  Highlighting the challenges is no bad thing: ESG ratings are only as good as their interpretation.  Do they have a place if used correctly, or perhaps more importantly, clearly understood?  Or is it time to move on from the concept of ESG as a symbiotic three-way partnership?

    Lets hope that pieces like this can drive improvement for sustainability matters, 

    Jonathan Taylor
    Senior Product Manager, Performance Measurement & Risk