FYI - another IA/ joint industry working group guidance document for SDR Consumer Facing disclosures published yesterday in conjunction with Eversheds Sutherland - see IA SDR landing page / link to guidance
Following the FCA's statement in PS23/16 that it 'encourage(s) development of an industry-led template and industry collaboration on best practice' in relation to the SDR consumer-facing disclosure (CFD) requirements, the IA established a cross-trade working group to produce guidance and associated frameworks that firms can use when implementing the FCA's CFD rules.
This guidance - produced jointly by the IA, Eversheds Sutherland, UKSIF, AIC, the UK Depositary Association, PIMFA, TISA, and the ABI - has been developed to encourage more consistent disclosure between firms, improved comparability between products and better consumer understanding.
Original Message:
Sent: 5/10/2024 8:17:00 AM
From: James Doyle
Subject: RE: SDR implementation
All fyi - excellent joint guidance issued by Eversheds Sutherland and the Investment Association yesterday on Q&A SDR Implementation Guidance v1.0 - will be updated in future for additional clarification, insights, For now, a great source of practical guidance and clarification around some of the thorny practical implementation challenges most of us are busy trying to address ...
James Doyle
Director, Green Finance, Investment Management
Original Message:
Sent: 17-01-2024 16:36
From: David Manuel
Subject: SDR implementation
There should be a best practice checklist. The difficulty is picking the height of the bar for defining sustainable then making the disclosure transparent and understandable as a product communication. This should all tie back to the investment process and how "sustainability" is assessed. If the process can be explained clearly and authenticity it matters. There seems a lot of flexibility in practice so I hope FCA might give more guidance or case studies then look to do some spot checks with marked homework perhaps redacted a bit to demonstrate what they expect before using fines to enforce standards.
How acceptable is it to subcontract the scoring to a third party? either entirely or on a quality assurance basis.
Original Message:
Sent: 1/16/2024 5:09:00 AM
From: William Goodhart
Subject: RE: SDR implementation
Thanks James. That is a really good resource, with good signposting to the different measures that firms in different market sectors should take. I guess what I'm wondering about is where they say things like 'firms should prepare...', 'firms should decide...', what's the best way to do that? What should be on a preparation checklist? What should be in a decision-making framework? It would be great to either direct our members to info on that or perhaps to come up with some ideas following a virtual roundtable. Is that something that the community would find useful?
William Goodhart
Chief Executive
Original Message:
Sent: 16-01-2024 09:07
From: James Peel
Subject: SDR implementation
Hello Will,
I would highlight this excellent summary from ESG Accord:
More than happy to help out here by providing some thoughts from a DFM's perspective too.
James Peel
Portfolio Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 15-01-2024 09:39
From: William Goodhart
Subject: SDR implementation
Thanks Francesca. I think there probably are a large number of implementation challenges. I think it would be helpful first to get our heads around what's on that list and then to see if we can provide some proposed good practices on a number of the challenges that might be more common to our members.
William Goodhart
Chief Executive
Original Message:
Sent: 12-01-2024 11:07
From: Francesca Wheble
Subject: SDR implementation
Hi William,
I think this would be a great idea.
I know working in an Asset Management Firm myself we are currently tackling both what Labels to assign our funds, and overcoming the first hurdle of the anti-greenwashing rule coming into play in May.
Francesca Wheble
Responsible Investment Analyst
Original Message:
Sent: 11-01-2024 10:38
From: William Goodhart
Subject: SDR implementation
Sorry to bother the group, but I was just wondering if anyone has seen work/research looking at the implications of implementing the new SDR rules? Might it be helpful for us to draw a group together for an online discussion about some of the technicalities of that? Perhaps we could try to draw up a checklist for members (or even better to circulate someone else's if it's thought to be good/comprehensive). Thanks, Will
William Goodhart
Chief Executive