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SDR implementation

  • 1.  SDR implementation

    Posted 11-01-2024 10:39

    Sorry to bother the group, but I was just wondering if anyone has seen work/research looking at the implications of implementing the new SDR rules? Might it be helpful for us to draw a group together for an online discussion about some of the technicalities of that? Perhaps we could try to draw up a checklist for members (or even better to circulate someone else's if it's thought to be good/comprehensive). Thanks, Will

    William Goodhart
    Chief Executive

  • 2.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 12-01-2024 11:08

    Hi William,

    I think this would be a great idea.

    I know working in an Asset Management Firm myself we are currently tackling both what Labels to assign our funds, and overcoming the first hurdle of the anti-greenwashing rule coming into play in May.

    Francesca Wheble
    Responsible Investment Analyst

  • 3.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 15-01-2024 09:40

    Thanks Francesca. I think there probably are a large number of implementation challenges. I think it would be helpful first to get our heads around what's on that list and then to see if we can provide some proposed good practices on a number of the challenges that might be more common to our members. 

    William Goodhart
    Chief Executive

  • 4.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 16-01-2024 09:07

    Hello Will,

    I would highlight this excellent summary from ESG Accord:

    More than happy to help out here by providing some thoughts from a DFM's perspective too.


    James Peel
    Portfolio Manager

  • 5.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 16-01-2024 10:06
    Edited by Aya Pariy 16-01-2024 10:07

    Hi James, great to see you online and thank you for sharing.

    If you feel comfortable and have time, it would be great to hear your insights and what most urgent regulation related things you are tackling from DFM's perspective :-) here, in this online discussion thread.

    Myself and my colleagues together with community champions are planning events around regulatory updates and issues so anything you share here would be extremely helpful for myself, but also for other members reading this post.

    Thank you!

    Aya Pariy

  • 6.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 16-01-2024 10:09

    Thanks James. That is a really good resource, with good signposting to the different measures that firms in different market sectors should take. I guess what I'm wondering about is where they say things like 'firms should prepare...', 'firms should decide...', what's the best way to do that? What should be on a preparation checklist? What should be in a decision-making framework? It would be great to either direct our members to info on that or perhaps to come up with some ideas following a virtual roundtable. Is that something that the community would find useful?

    William Goodhart
    Chief Executive

  • 7.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 17-01-2024 16:37
    There should be a best practice checklist.  The difficulty is picking the height of the bar for defining sustainable then making the disclosure transparent and understandable as a product communication.  This should all tie back to the investment process and how "sustainability" is assessed.  If the process can be explained clearly and authenticity it matters.  There seems a lot of flexibility in practice so I hope FCA might give more guidance or case studies then look to do some spot checks with marked homework perhaps redacted a bit  to demonstrate what they expect before using fines to enforce standards. 
    How acceptable is it to subcontract the scoring to a third party? either entirely or on a quality assurance basis. 

    Sent from my iPhone

  • 8.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 10-05-2024 13:17
    Edited by James Doyle 10-05-2024 13:17
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    All   fyi - excellent joint guidance issued by Eversheds Sutherland and the Investment Association yesterday on Q&A SDR Implementation Guidance v1.0 - will be updated in future for additional clarification, insights,   For now, a great source of practical guidance and clarification around some of the thorny practical implementation challenges most of us are busy trying to address ...


    James Doyle
    Director, Green Finance, Investment Management

  • 9.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 22-05-2024 10:58
    Edited by James Doyle 24-05-2024 09:33
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    FYI - another IA/ joint industry working group guidance document for SDR Consumer Facing disclosures published yesterday in conjunction with Eversheds Sutherland - see IA SDR landing page / link to guidance 

    Following the FCA's statement in PS23/16 that it 'encourage(s) development of an industry-led template and industry collaboration on best practice' in relation to the SDR consumer-facing disclosure (CFD) requirements, the IA established a cross-trade working group to produce guidance and associated frameworks that firms can use when implementing the FCA's CFD rules.

    This guidance - produced jointly by the IA, Eversheds Sutherland, UKSIF, AIC, the UK Depositary Association, PIMFA, TISA, and the ABI - has been developed to encourage more consistent disclosure between firms, improved comparability between products and better consumer understanding.

    Sent from Outlook for iOS

  • 10.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 07-05-2024 11:55

    Hello Will

    Great to log in and read this reference and positive comments about our ESG Accord summary of the SDR. 

    Over the last few months or so, as part of our consultancy services, we have developed tools to assist managers and portfolio managers with adapting existing sustainability / ESG / Responsible options or when building new sustainability propositions to meet the SDR regime. The tools also assist with an independent review of documentation and internal processes. 

    Please do let me know if you have questions or need more info! 

    Best wishes 


    Eleanor Dowding

  • 11.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 07-05-2024 11:36

    Hi James.

    Thanks for sharing this. 

    Speak soon


    Eleanor Dowding

  • 12.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 16-01-2024 12:43

    Hi William,

    Where to start...

    The first part of the regulation currently comes into play in May, the Anti Greenwashing Rule. Whilst we await the consultation to close, with a response to then be written, we are starting to think about how we will meet the Rule.

    From compliance checklists, to creating evidence documents...there is not currently a right or wrong way to meet this.

    I guess another burning question is...what funds will be assigned what labels. A Morningstar paper stated that roughly 8% of all UK domiciled funds will be assigned a label (roughly 300 funds). Will we have the same situation where funds will re-assign labels like the SFDR Article 8 and 9.

    We then have those funds that require the 'non-label' designation, and then all the reporting to do.

    There is a lot to work on, however I guess the first step is working out what the Anti-Greenwashing Rule entails and what we need to do to meet the regulation!

    Francesca Wheble
    Responsible Investment Analyst

  • 13.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 19-01-2024 17:57

    Agree Francesca - if your in scope as a UK authorised funds option available from 31 July is whether you opt for a label or not.  Summary below of my thoughts on where priorties are so far. 

    Else priority is Anti-greenwashing (AGW) rule 31 May and Distributor rules coming in to play from 31 July - the IA and other industry bodies like PIMFA are responding to FCA AGW consultation closing 26 Jan so priority focus on there and best practice - its very broad and wide.    Good summary of requirements by the various law firms so far - Simmons & Simmons, Eversheds and the like.

    The Investment Association has convened a SDR Implementation forum for member firms so best practice will develop in a number of areas.

    Else, awaiting FCA consultation on extension to Portfolio Management Services (expectly shortly) and to follow, extension to overseas funds with HMT consultation.  Not to mentioned the FCA's announcement on industry developments to suppor the advisory process (this will have significant practical implications) FCA establishes industry-led working group for financial advisers | FCA


    James Doyle
    Director, Green Finance, Investment Management

  • 14.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 30-01-2024 13:50

    Dear all,

    Following your conversations from last week, we are running a "Virtual Roundtable. Tackling SDR implementation challenges together" hosted by CFA UK's CEO @William Goodhart

    We are delighted to bring two experts from KPMG, Rachel Poole and Michael Johnson, to open up the discussion with a presentation on how investment managers should frame their work on implementing the SDR rules. You will be able to ask questions and explore the challenges with each other.

    February 8th, 1 pm UK time. Book your place here

    Hope to see you there!

    Aya Pariy

  • 15.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 07-02-2024 09:55

    Good morning everyone.

    Very excited to see you tomorrow, 1 - 1:45 pm UK time, online for our SDR Implementation round table. @William Goodhart will be hosting and we have invited speakers from KPMG.

    You can still book your free place today using this link.

    For those who have booked, the zoom link will be sent to you by my colleagues tomorrow morning.

    Thank you and see you there.

    Aya Pariy

  • 16.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 07-02-2024 11:05

    I'm v much looking forward to it. I think what we're trying to get to is a good framework for addressing the challenges of SDR implementation and some insights into a few of the key challenges. See you there.

    William Goodhart
    Chief Executive

  • 17.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 08-02-2024 12:34

    Hey Aya, Just wanted to check if the zoom links have been sent out? I registered for the event last week but haven't received any link yet. Is there anyway you could send me the link privately? Thanks!

    Senior Associate

  • 18.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 13-02-2024 11:45

    Hi everyone. I wanted to share what we see in the press today about how UK managers are racing to apply SDR Lables. Here's a snap shot:

    Financial Times:  In brief, asset managers are actively preparing for SDR implementation by:

    • reviewing their communications
    • adjusting products to meet criteria
    • collaborating with advisers

    Luke Murray from Bovill says that managers that use sustainablity language but do not offer sustainability products are now applying rigour to how they communicate to clients through materials on their website for example. Asset managers, according to Luke, are going through the qualifying criteria for labels to ensure their funds meet the requirements. This has taken the form of a mapping exercise to go throught he areas of the criteria, to see where the gaps are in meeting the label.

    Stuart Burnside, head of product governance and ESG product at M&G Investments mentions 13 ESG-associated UK funds offered to retail investors by M&G where the SDR and labels regime would be applicable. Out of those 13 funds, 10 are esesntially parallesl to SFDR article 9 funds. They are already quite "dark green". 

    Shroder's spokeperson says that they have developed infrastructure and technology to monitor engagement activity, which they believe will help ensure meeting the SDR requirements.

    more information here 

    Aya Pariy

  • 19.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 15-02-2024 10:15
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    Good morning community.

    There is a lot of regulation and updates these days. Many agree that with the UK Sustainable Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labels, the FCA has taken on board much of the feedback from the industry. Many feel optimistic that SDR may not be as big of a minefield as the EU's Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

    Here's the brief overview of UK SDR from Novata with a nice summary 

    FCA's own summary and timelines are here

    What do you think - do you feel optimistic? What are your main challenges that you are foreseeing? Can other members help?

    Aya Pariy


  • 20.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 16-02-2024 11:48

    Thanks Aya - i feel optimistic in that the FCA has actively engaged and listened to feedback from firms in its consultation process and will continue to - as noted in recent Sustainability Advisors group announced a few weeks ago, supported by PIMFA as Secretariat.

    Immediate challenges are around covering off the requirements to address the new Anti-greenwashing rule from 31 May  - there's a lot of practical considerations and the scope is broad, applying to all communications where sustainability claims or terms are used in conjunction with promotion of FCA regulated investment products and services.  The FCA's draft guidance and consultation on anti-greenwashing outlines some examples of what they see are principles to be applied (now closed end Jan) so will be interesting to see what further examples of good/poor practice and clarifications when the FCA issues its finalised guidance - there are a number of areas that need further clarification and use of sustainability related terms/further examples e.g. when discussing at entity level, use of images, positive examples of language that is acceptable and not misleading etc e.g. see PIMFA's response as an example of one of the many industry bodies that have responded.  

    James Doyle
    Director, Green Finance, Investment Management

  • 21.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 29-02-2024 15:14

    Hi everyone,

    If you couldn't join our SDR Implementation Roundtable hosted by CFA UK's Chief Executive @William Goodhart where Michael Johnson from KPMG presented, here's the link to the recording.

    It has 0.5  points attached to it and is 23 min long. And here's the brief overview.

    SDR Implementation Round table, February 8, 2024
    CFA UK Sustainability Community.

    Will Goodhart, CFA UK's Chief Executive opened the meeting by commenting on the FCA's sustainable labelling regime and noting CFA UK's input and response to the consultation. Will stated that the society welcomed the final policy statement in November 2023 and that the challenge now lies in implementing this regime. To facilitate a deeper discussion on the associated challenges, the meetup featured Michael Johnson from KPMG, a seasoned consultant specializing in ESG-related regulatory changes for asset managers.

    Michael delved into the intricate details of implementing the SDR. He briefly covered the SDR's timeline before elaborating on the challenges faced at each stage of implementation. Michale emphasized the significance of a robust sustainability assessment framework aligned with FCA requirements and the need for independent review. He also highlighted challenges related to stewardship and engagement reporting, underscoring the importance of aligning these activities with product objectives.

    Michael provided practical insights into navigating the complexities of SDR implementation, addressing key concerns such as greenwashing review, product scoping, FCA approval and disclose on products. He emphasized the critical role of strategic planning, product classification exercise, and timely execution in meeting regulatory obligations.

    Michael's analysis provides valuable guidance for asset managers grappling with the intricacies of the SDR/SFDR regimes, laying the groundwork for a robust and compliant approach to sustainable investing.

    To found out more watch the video here

    Let me know if you would like to reach out to Michael and I will make that connection.

    Aya Pariy

  • 22.  RE: SDR implementation

    Posted 21-06-2024 16:50
    Edited by James Doyle 24-06-2024 07:40


    for those who have been tracking SDR implementation - the FCA's consultation CP 24/8 on extension of SDR to Portfolio Management services closed last week. 

    I know a number of members who have been actively involved in various trade body industry responses (see IA, PIMFA, UKSIF below) and roundtables with the FCA as well as putting together our own respective firm's responses.   General industry consensus is overall support for the extension to Model Portfolio Management services and centralised investment propositions but a delay requested for implementation by 12 months from publication final rules.  Less support given for the extension and application  to bespoke portfolio/customised portfolio management services for discretionary wealth managers (at least should be out of scope for now.) Lessons can also to be learned from the implementation of labels/non-labelled requirements for UK authorised funds first. 

    Here's a summary of PIMFA's response to the consultation highlighting the significant practical and technical implementation challenges, but also suggestions for consideration in the final rules to make the regulation fit portfolio services (as opposed to direct read across from funds as products): 
    PIMFA calls for a year delay to SDR portfolio management rules (

    PIMFA has responded to the FCA Consultation Paper 24/8: Extending SDR to Portfolio Management. While we are supportive of the intended purpose and spirit of the proposals contained in the consultation, we consider that they fail to sufficiently take account of the unique requirements of the market for portfolio management and of retail investors and consider the following to be critical for our sector and the success of the policy more broadly:

    • Delay the implementation of the SDR rules for portfolio management by 12 months after the publication of final rules.
    • Allow for the implementation of the SDR rules for funds before extending the regime to portfolio management.
    • Reconsider including bespoke portfolios in the SDR regime as they are not products but services.
    • Consider lowering the 70% threshold for labels to avoid any unintended consequence of portfolio managers building less diversified portfolios to meet the proposed threshold.
    • Provide more clarity around the inclusion of overseas funds as they are currently out of scope of the SDR regime and the role of portfolio managers when including them in portfolios.
    • Include in the final rules a carve out that addresses the retail client requirement for non-labelled responsible investments which seem to lack a 'home' under the current proposals.

    Read the full response here.

    See also   UKSIF response: CP24/8 Extending the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements regime to portfolio management – UKSIF

    Plus the Investment Associations final response: Final - IA response - FCA CP on extending SDR to PMS.pdf (

    James Doyle
    Director, Green Finance, Investment Management