Thank you Aya! The Gartner report is particularly useful.
Best Regards,
Original Message:
Sent: 2/12/2024 5:37:00 AM
From: Aya Pariy
Subject: RE: Supply chain
Hi Anita, thank you for sharing.
I found this report from Gartner which gives 3 steps to build a supply chain sustainability plan - attached, perhaps of some help. Other online resources offere these:
Supply chain risk sustainablity score card from Sphera
Creating a plan for supply chain sustainablity plan from RiskOptics
A guide to traceability and a webinar on traceability from United Nations
I hope other members will share the practical advice and experience in this thread.
Aya Pariy
Original Message:
Sent: 09-02-2024 13:20
From: Anita Brown
Subject: Supply chain
Good Afternoon
I am looking at how to implement sustainability criteria with global suppliers for the suppliers to reach net zero.
Has anyone here designed and implemented this? Any lessons learned that you can share are welcome - be it specific advice in a particular market, alternative suppliers, etc.
Thank you in advance,