Sustainability Community

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  • 1.  Sustainability Community Events From June 2024

    Posted 21-05-2024 15:13
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    Hello there,

    We look forward to seeing you at Sustainability Conference tomorrow for great panels, speakers and networking. Make sure you stop and say hi to me and Tilly at the community exhibition table! You should have an email with the QR code which gives you access to the building (Convene, 22 Bishopsgate, EC2N4BQ).  Agenda attached. See you there!

    Community's next online networking meetup is on June 6th (1 - 1:50 pm zoom UK time). Come and meet our guest speaker Pragyapti Bhandari, CFA, VP - Thematic & Sectors INvesting STrategy, BLackrock. Prag will share on how she and the team use the ESG / sustainability data and work around ESG data challenges. You will then meet other meebers in smaller breakout rooms moderated by community members including Olly King from JPMorgan, @TANISHQ NAVEENBHAI JAIN from Dash, Marion Aubert from WeeFin and @Cedric Jirsell from The Matter.  These meetups are not recorded, so do join to learn and network.  Here's the link to reserve your spot. 

    Community webinar: The green bonds market - a quick guide with Jonathan Gardiner from Bloomberg. June 26, 1 pm, zoom. You will learn:

    • what drives the development of green bonds market
    • the opportunities in green bonds financing
    • how to integrate green bonds into your investment portfolio
    • the data characteristics, regional mechanis and other challenges in the space

    Here's where to join 

    P.S. Please note that unfortunately we had to re-schedule our pub meet (previously on June 13th) to October. I will post soon for the date in October so you can reserve your spot.

    Aya Pariy


  • 2.  RE: Sustainability Community Events From June 2024

    Posted 28-05-2024 10:14

    Good morning community!

    Hope you had a glorious bank holiday weekend and are ready for a great short week!

    Don't forget to reserve your seats for community events in June.

    June 6. Community online meetup: ESG Data Challenges. Our guest - Pragyapti Bhandari, CFA, VP - Thematic & Sectors INvesting STrategy, BLackrock. We will talk to Prag and ask her to share insights on what sources for ESG data they are using and why, how confident are they in the quality of data and what verification processes they stick to. We will also chat about clarity of data, what it means and what are the metrices?

    You can ask you own question to see how Prag and the team are handling those data challenges. Afterwards you will networking in breakout rooms with community moderators including @TANISHQ NAVEENBHAI JAIN from Dash, @Oliver King from JP Morgan and @Cedric Jirsell from Matter.

    Big thanks to our community member @Marion Aubert from Wee Fin for hosting the meetup. 

    Here's your link to register (it's free)!

    June 26th, online Wednesday Webinar, 1 pm with Jonathan Gardiner from Bloomberg.

    You will learn:

    • what drives the development of green bonds market
    • the opportunities in green bonds financing
    • how to integrate green bonds into your investment portfolio
    • the data characteristics, regional mechanis and other challenges in the space

    Here's where to join 

    Aya Pariy

  • 3.  RE: Sustainability Community Events From June 2024

    Posted 30-05-2024 12:45

    Good morning Community!
    Here's the reminder of our upcoming events, don't forget to book your places. I very much look forward to seeing you there!

    P.S. Great news - our pub meetup will now be on October 24th in London!

    June 6 – online networking meetup ESG Data challenges with VP from Blackrock

    June 26 – Green Bonds webinar with Bloomberg

    July 17th – Embedding Impact Webinar with Apposite Capital (case study)

    September 24th – online networking meetup with Novartis on impact accounting (to be announced for registrations soon)

    October 24th – community pub meet (if you booked before when it was for June, no worries, your registration is still there)

    Aya Pariy