Original Message:
Sent: 21-02-2024 15:07
From: David Manuel
Subject: Voluntary and compliance carbon markets
Hi Aya Great starter pack..
A key issue for investors is that carbon credits deliver and are soundly based in theory and executed in practice. Some other places to look for information on standard setting and execution are:
Their are lots of companies seeking to certify credits (Note not not immune to criticism) and with slightly different methodologies and impact focus.
CarbonCredits.com gives a synopsis of the leading companies active in this space. https://carboncredits.com/who-certifies-carbon-credits/
As a voluntary market still finding its feet and in places attracting questions of how sound the science is, how effective and additive the projects are etc you could keep an eye on the following places for media and scientific scrutiny.
Carbon Tracker (Independent think tank commenting on progress or not) https://carbontracker.org/
Carbon Action Tracker monitors progress https://climateactiontracker.org/
The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (Integrity Council) https://icvcm.org/
David Manuel
Original Message:
Sent: 20-02-2024 12:35
From: Aya Pariy
Subject: Voluntary and compliance carbon markets
Hi Hiren, thanks for the great post, I hope other members will reach out.
VCM (Voluntary carbon markets) is the theme that comes up often during my onboarding conversations with members. So it would be very helpful to hear thoughs in this discussion thread. To start with I am sharing here some resources with more information on VCMs:
China is revamping its VCM. Here are some articles on this from S&P Asia House and Carbon Credits
Information for new-comers to VCM
Forest Carbon
Climate Change Committee (report attached here)
Understanding the Compliance and Voluntary Carbon Trading Markets and Regulations
Recent developments in the VCM: Key Implications
FT article (situation in the UK)
Case Studies:
IETA (International Emissions Trading Association, attached here)
VCMI (Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative, attached here)
Climate Impact Partners
Aya Pariy
Original Message:
Sent: 15-02-2024 19:26
From: Hiren Chandaria
Subject: Voluntary and compliance carbon markets
Hello Community,
My name is Hiren, and I'm keen to delve deeper into the realms of voluntary and compliance carbon markets. I'm looking for someone actively trading or working within these markets for a brief conversation. If you could spare 10-15 minutes for a phone call, I'd greatly appreciate the opportunity to learn from your experience and insights.
Thank you for considering my request. Please feel free to direct message me or reach out directly at your convenience. Looking forward to connecting with someone willing to share their knowledge on this topic.
Best, Hiren
Hiren Chandaria