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Where companies buy carbon offsets from

  • 1.  Where companies buy carbon offsets from

    Posted 25-10-2023 09:31
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    Good morning everyone!

    I found this interesting analysis on how world's largest companies rely on buying carbon offsets to reach their Net Zero targets. We hear a lot of opposing views lately on offsets in general. This analysis is on "Carbonbrief". 

    Carbon Brief finds that just 34 companies have used credits to offset 38m tonnes of carbon dioxide (MtCO2) during 2020-2022, equivalent to the annual emissions of Ethiopia and Kenya combined. The top users of carbon credits– units each representing one tonne of CO2 avoided, reduced or removed – were Shell (9.9m units), Volkswagen (9.6m) and Chevron (6.0m).

    This article contains very interesting Sankey diagrams - to see them read the article from the actual link (not from the attached document).

    Do you have experience of working with companies in your portfolio that include these types of offsets into their roadmap? What are the benefits or warning sides to these?

    Aya Pariy
