Hello all,
CFA UK's Fixed Income Special Interest Group invites you to join its inaugural in-person event for a panel discussion and networking at Farmers and Fletchers in the City on Tuesday 27 February.
With over a decade of ultra-low interest rates seeming in the rear-view mirror, discuss the implications for risks and potential returns across fixed income markets in 2024 and beyond.
Our panellists will guide you through one of the most significant shifts in history for fixed income markets. They will provide valuable insights into the implications of this "great reset" for risks faced by investors and potential portfolio returns in the coming years.
Registration: 18:00 - 18:30Event: 18:30 - 19:30Networking: 19:30 - 20:30
Register here for the event.
We look forward to seeing many of you on the evening.
If you require special assistance or have specific requirements, please contact the events team at events@cfauk.org.
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