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Dear members of the Value Investing SIG,
The IASB/IFRS/UKEB are consulting on proposals for updating IFRS 3 on business combinations (M&A). See summary document in the VISIG library.
We are seeking 4-5 volunteers to participate in 1-2 brief discussion(s) to be arranged by them on the topic. While those involved in corporate reporting are welcome, a special request from them is to get the investor perspective on the proposed standard and disclosures.
Kindly indicate if you are keen to participate and please also indicate your area / role, given the above context.
Apologies for the short notice, but the first such discussion could be as early as 7th May at 12.30 pm, so please also indicate if you can make that.
Responses are appreciated by the end of this week, and should be sent to abisaria@cfauk.org.
CFA Society of the UK3rd floor, Boston House,63-64 New Broad Street, London EC2M 1JJ
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