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New Nature & Biodiversity framework

  • 1.  New Nature & Biodiversity framework

    Posted 21 days ago

    As I know a lot of people are curious about Nature & Biodiversity at the moment I thought it would make sense to post here that we at Matter has just announced a new framework to analyse corporates impact and dependency on nature. 

    We take a slightly different approach to some of the solutions out there today, where we have decided to not use footprinting as a methdology. This comes from that we want to be more clear in what we measure (% of revenue) while simultaneously avoiding black box methodologies. 

    Given how nascent this space is, the jury is still out on what the best approach is and I would love to have feedback on our solution to see how we can improve it further and make it more useful for decision making - with the end goal of having a material impact on capital flows, towards more sustainable solutions. 

    If you're curious you can read more on the link below, or feel free to reach out!

    Cedric Olivares Jirsell

    Sustainability Analysis Manager
