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  • 1.  Earth4All Initiative

    Posted 18-07-2024 11:25

    Good morning community!
    Hope you are enjoying this wonderful summer day!

    Today I'd like to share the survey from Earth4All initiative

    Earth4All initiative's recent survey involved 20,000 people from G20 nations. It revealed that 68% support a 'tax the rich' policy to address economic and environmental issues.  The survey shows overwhelming public support for progressive tax reforms and broader political and economic changes to reduce inequality and increase wellbeing. 


    Owen Gaffney, co-lead of Earth4All: "The message to politicians is unmistakable. The overwhelming majority of respondents from the world's largest economies believe that significant and immediate action is necessary this decade to combat climate change and protect nature. Simultaneously, many feel that the current economic system is failing them and are calling for political and economic reform. This sentiment may help explain the rise of populist leaders.

    "Our survey results indicate a strong mandate from respondents across G20 countries: redistribute wealth. Greater equality will strengthen democracies, fostering a fair transformation toward a more stable planet


    • 71% of citizens in 18 G20 countries surveyed support immediate action within the next decade to reduce carbon emissions
    • 68% of those across 17* G20 countries surveyed agree that the way their country's economy works should prioritise the health and wellbeing of people and nature rather than focusing solely on profit and increasing wealth. 
    • only 39% of people in 17 G20 countries surveyed believing their government can be trusted to make decisions for the benefit of the majority of people
    • 62% of people in 18 G20 countries surveyed are optimistic about their own future.  

    UK Results: Explore data and key findings here

    • 77% of UK adults support a wealth tax on wealthy people as a means fo funding major changes to our economies and lifestyles
    • 69% of those surveyed in the UK believe the world needs to take major action immediately - within next decade - to reduce carbon emissions from electricity, transport, food, industry and buildings

    Read about key findings and explore the data here

    Keen to hear your insights.

    Aya Pariy