Thank you David, Confidence and Cedric for the insightful paper and survey results. Congratulations!
It's fitting how you start with the 9 planetary boundaries. When we see the extent to novel entities (aka plastic pollution) being practically off the charts, it's clear how that chokes up biodiversity.
thank you for a fantastic guide.
Anita Brown
Senior Grants Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 28-10-2024 16:15
From: Aya Pariy
Subject: Hot news! Biodiveristy Guide 101 live now!
Dear community!
I am delighted to share with you that our Biodiveristy Survey and Biodiversity Guide 101 are life on Professional Investor!
Huge thanks to our community members @David Manuel @Confidence Mafoti and @Cedric Jirsell for their time, work and dedication! Thank you also to anyone from CFA UK who was invovled in getting this ready and bringing this project online!
Biodiveristy Survey Results
Biodiversity Guide for Investors 101
Share your views and comments here!
Aya Pariy