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Reports on Thursdays: CCS Technologies

  • 1.  Reports on Thursdays: CCS Technologies

    Posted 14-09-2023 09:03
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    Global CCS Institute Report: State of the ART: CCS Technologies 

    There is an urgent need for innovative, new technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to meet net-zero targets. The uptake of CCS is growing rapidly. If you are investing or are targeting to invest in this space, this is a good report to read.  

    This report is technical with the detailed information on CCS technologies from leading technology companies (Air liquid, Aker Carbon capture, Carbon clean, Carbon engineering, C-Capture, Honeywell, Nuada, Shell and Technip energies, Sin0pec, Sumitomo, Svante etc). This report also covers transport, storage and full value chain. This report showcases the breadth and depth of commercially-available CCS technologies worldwide.  

    Have you invested in CCS already? If not, what's stopping you? 

    Aya Pariy