I hope you liked our biodiversity guide and survey.
Here I am sharing presentation from our guest speaker Ruth Murray, Investment Director, Gresham who joined our webinar last week on biodiveristy. You can also download it from the library!
Original Message:
Sent: 21-10-2024 12:13
From: Aya Pariy
Subject: Special Project: Biodiversity Survey and Biodiversity Guide
Dear community!
I am delighted to share with you that our Biodiveristy Survey and Biodiversity Guide 101 are ready!
Huge thanks to our community members @David Manuel @Confidence Mafoti and @Cedric Jirsell for their time, work and dedication! Thank you also to anyone from CFA UK who was invovled in getting this ready and bringing this project online!
Biodiveristy Survey Results
Biodiversity Guide for Investors 101
Share your views and comments here!
Aya Pariy
Original Message:
Sent: 21-09-2023 08:10
From: Confidence Mafoti
Subject: Special Project: Biodiversity Survey and Biodiversity Guide
David Manual and myself are spear-heading the research on biodiversity and what it means for investors. We are working towards issuing a foundational paper for this community and your participation and help in this collaboration is very important.
Investors, manufacturers, regulators, project developers and all other stakeholders are quickly realising that protection and restoration of Nature is an important part of the solution to a sustainable future. As GHG emissions have become key indicators of climate risks, Biodiversity is becoming a key metric in the health of Nature. This questionnaire, that we are asking you to fill in, will help us gauge the community's self-assessed level of awareness of the issue, the areas motivating greatest interest and perceived importance to our community. This work will help in understanding how actions (personal and professional) can impact Biodiversity. A report reflecting the questionnaire answers (anonymised) and champion's wider research will be shared with you here on the platform.
As a token of our thank you for your participation, we will give out a 20 gbp Amazon voucher for a randomly chosen winner (provided that person will leave their email address for us to get in touch to).
Look forward to seeing your insights!
Link to the survey https://eu.surveymonkey.com/r/FMCT528
Confidence Mafoti
Portfolio Manager