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Should chatGPT write your ESG or Net Zero Road Strategy?

  • 1.  Should chatGPT write your ESG or Net Zero Road Strategy?

    Posted 24-11-2023 08:24
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    Good morning and happy Friday, community!

    AI has come to us, this is one of those "quantum leap" kind of changes that we are witnessing. I found this interesting article that considers how companies can assess risks and opportunities that AI brings through an ESG lens.

    According to Societe Generale, the rate of adoption of AI and hence the rate of change will be, and already is, very rapid. But the process can be manageable for corporates if they think about it in a structured and analytical way. Companies generally can use AI to better monitor and potentially lower their greenhouse gas emissions. The EU Parliament's Think Tank believes a 1.5-4% reduction of GHG emissions by 2030 is possible. 

    However, MIT says Training a single AI model can emit as much carbon as five cars in their lifetimes", MIT Technology Review, June 2019

    The full report from EU Parliament "AI Threats and Opportunities" that you can download from our library is attached.

    Has your organisation embraced AI, and if so, in which spaces? 

    Aya Pariy
